Black Ladders

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Devenez membre et soutenez le mentorat de jeunes et de professionnels Noirs. Make a donation today!


Join Our Community of
Mentors, Mentees, and Advisors

First-Generation Pathway Program

We have partnered with Queen’s University to facilitate their First-Generation Pathway Program. The mission of this program is to help students navigate their way through post-secondary, whether that be college, university or trades. They have curated over 20 different workshops that focus on specific topics such as; funding, student supports, and resources for equity-deserving students. As a member of Black Ladders, all students in high school or those going into post-secondary and graduate school have access to these workshops.

Through this program Queen’s will also look over the OUAC applications of those who are applying to Queen’s University and review it and help them submit it after giving guidance as to how it should be completed.

Professional & Career Mentorship

This is a program designed to provide guidance and support to young Black individuals as they navigate their career paths. The program connects participants with experienced mentors who can provide them with advice, encouragement, and resources to help them achieve their goals. Through regular meetings and networking opportunities, mentees can gain insight into their chosen profession and learn from the experiences of their mentors. This program is of great importance, as Black youth often face unique challenges in the workforce, such as discrimination and lack of representation. By offering mentorship and guidance, this program can help address these issues and empower Black youth to succeed in their chosen fields. Ultimately, this program has the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of many young Black individuals and contribute to greater diversity and representation in various industries.

Student Mentorship

This program provides guidance and support to young Black students as they navigate their academic careers. The program connects participants with experienced mentors who can offer advice on study habits, and time management, among other things. Mentees can also receive guidance with college applications, financial aid, and other aspects of the higher education process. This program is crucial because Black students often face unique challenges in the education system, such as unequal access to resources and a lack of representation in academic leadership. By offering mentorship and guidance, this program can help address these issues and empower Black students to achieve academic success. Ultimately, this program has the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of many young Black individuals, helping them to achieve their educational goals and pursue fulfilling careers.

Youth Mentorship

This program connects black youth participants with experienced mentors who can offer advice on a wide range of topics, including education, career planning, personal development, and community engagement. Mentees can benefit from the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of their mentors, who can offer valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that they may face as Black youth. This program is essential because Black youth often face unique challenges due to systemic racism and discrimination, and having a supportive mentor can help them navigate these challenges and achieve their goals. By offering mentorship and guidance, this program can help empower Black youth to become confident, resilient, and successful members of their communities. 

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